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Margery Amdur Press
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Margery Amdur, a Transforming Imagination, John Thornton video

Margery Amdur at the Noyes Museum, John Thornton video

WHY Arts & Culture Report, November 7, 2008, Alex Schmidt, WHYY (MP3 Audio file)

First Friday Fun, November 7, 2008, Lenny Campello, Phillyist

Catch it or Regret it , November 06, 2008, Molly Eichel, Citypaper

Peek-a-boo - - Margery Amdur at Projects, October 23, 2008, Libby Rossof, Artblog

Frugal Fun Alert, October 10, 2008, Sarah Gormley, Phillyist

What we want to see Friday and Saturday and Wednesday, September 29, 2008, Libby & Roberta, Artblog

Margery Amdur, Inside Magazine, Spring 2005